热评丨费率改革是“节流” 公募赢得市场最终要靠“开源”
发布时间: 2023-07-11
费率改革是 “节流”, but公募赢得市场 ultimately rely on "开源"

The fee structure reform is "indirect" in the sense that it aims to reduce the cost of services while also improving the efficiency of supply chain. However, the ultimate goal of winning market share in the public sector is still "indirect" as it relies on "indirect" measures such as improving the efficiency of supply chain and increasing the competitiveness of the service provider.

The fee structure reform can be seen as an indirect measure to reduce costs, but it's not the only one. In order to win market share in the public sector, the service provider must also focus on improving the efficiency of supply chain, increasing the competitiveness of the service provider, and reducing the cost of service.

In short, the fee structure reform is an indirect measure, but the ultimate goal of winning market share is still the same: to improve the efficiency of supply chain and increase the competitiveness of the service provider.

