发布时间: 2023-06-22


- 牛肉:500克

- 盐:适量

- 糖:适量

- 酱油:适量

- 料酒:适量

- 姜:适量

- 蒜:适量

- 辣椒:适量

- 杏仁:适量

- 八角:适量

- 桂皮:适量

- 香叶:适量

- 清水:适量


1. 将牛肉切成大小适中的块状,用盐、糖、酱油、料酒和姜、蒜、辣椒、杏仁、八角、桂皮和香叶腌制约2小时。

2. 将腌制好的牛肉块放入烤箱中,以200°C的温度烤约4小时,中途可翻转一次。

3. 将烤好的牛肉块取出,放入清水中泡一会儿,去除多余的油脂。

4. 将泡好的牛肉块放入锅中,加入清水,煮至水分收干。

5. 将煮好的牛肉块捞出,放入烤箱中,以150°C的温度烤约2小时,中途可翻转一次。

6. 将烤好的牛肉干取出,放入清水中泡一会儿,去除多余的盐分和香料。

7. 将泡好的牛肉干放入锅中,加入清水,煮至水分收干。

8. 将煮好的牛肉干捞出,放入烤箱中,以200°C的温度烤约1小时,直到牛肉干变得干燥。

9. 将烤好的牛肉干取出,放在通风干燥的地方,晾干数小时,直到牛肉干变得酥脆。


this is a simple recipe for牛肉干, which is a traditional Chinese dish made from raw牛肉经过腌制、烘烤或风干而成. The recipe is based on the traditional method of making牛肉干, and the ingredients can be adjusted according to personal preferences.

The key ingredients in this recipe are牛肉,盐,糖,酱油,料酒,姜,蒜,辣椒,杏仁,八角,桂皮和香叶. These ingredients are all important for the texture and flavor of the牛肉干. By using the right amount of each ingredient, you can achieve the desired texture and flavor of the牛肉干.

In this recipe, the牛肉 is腌制ed and烘烤ed, which helps to remove excess moisture and ensure that the牛肉干 has a consistent texture. The subsequent风干 and烘烤 process helps to preserve the牛肉干's flavor and texture. By following the proper steps, you can create a delicious and traditional Chinese dish, such as 牛肉干.

