mistranslation(16.把中国古典文学名著《水浒传》翻译为英语的美国作家是( )
发布时间: 2023-07-10


16.把中国古典文学名著《水浒传》翻译为英语的美国作家是( )

英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成Water Margin或Outlaws of the Marsh。在众多译本中,最早的当属赛珍珠女士在1920年代中后期翻译的All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,当时在美国颇为畅销。但是译本中有很多错误。比如书名的翻译,就不符合原意,受到过鲁迅先生的批评。对一百零八将的绰号,也往往望文生义,比如将病尉迟的(Yuchi)译作“Weichi“,将花和尚鲁智深译为Priest Hwa(花牧师),更是将母夜叉孙二娘译为“Night Ogre“(夜间的怪物)。
迄今为止《水浒传》被认为比较好的英文版本,应该是中国籍的美国犹太裔学者沙博理先生(Sidney Shapiro)在文革期间受命译的一百回版的“Outlaws of the Marsh“(水泊好汉)。他的译本,被认为更加忠实于原著,而且很贴切地反应了原文的神韵,符合翻译的“信,达,雅”的原则。可惜由于这个译本产生于文革时期,影响不大。
法语版则将其直译为Au bord de l’eau。


学生问能不能用flying girl来译“飞女”?其实,flying girl在西方文化中是“轻浮”的女孩之意,而“飞女”是指飞在天空中的女子,是中华民族古老文化中固有的文化假象。英语文化中没有这样的东西,而汉语文化背景中却有这样文化现象是由于人们认知结构中的文化图式(cultural schema)不同所导致的。当中国人看到“飞女”字样时,占据其文化图式中的空位的是“天仙女,天外飞仙,天女散花”等等。而西方人在看到flying girl时,他们的文化图式中可能就会出现“奇装异服”,“粗言俗语”等。也就是说“飞女”与flying girl在各自的文化中图式是完全不同的。可见,储存在我们记忆中的认知模式在不自觉中影响着我们对周围事物的认知,限制了我们的思维方式及语言表达。如果我们用不同的文化图式的表达方式取而代之就必然会导致文化误读(cultural misreadings),造成误译(mistranslation)。在做翻译中,我们对这类现象,用文外补偿(compensation)的方式比较稳妥。因而,我们可以把“飞女”和flying girl意译并加注作为文化补偿,即women / girls / fairies in the air。根据不同情况进行选择,并在注释中的解释汉文化中有关仙女的传说,因为现实中“女人“是不会长翅膀的,就是天使,那性别上也是有差异的。

adams’ apple典故 要英文的

There are several possibilities on why it’s called the Adam’s Apple. One is derived from a Garden of Eden story, about Adam eating the forbidden apple and part of it getting stuck in his throat.(It does look like a small round apple) It could also be a mistranslation between Hebrew and Latin; in Hebrew “tappuach ha adam“ means male bump. In Latin it’s translated to “pormum adami.“ That’s very likely the real story since there are many mistranslations from Latin to English, or Greek.
原文说了好两种可能 但是确切的来源无从考证。
““Adam’s apple“ is a reference to forbidden fruit in the biblical book of Genesis and in the Qur’an. Though neither text mentions the laryngeal prominence or even an apple specifically, popular tradition traces the origin of the prominence to a piece of the forbidden fruit becoming caught in Adam’s throat.“
“The laryngeal prominence is merely the protrusion one sees of the thyroid cartilage making up the body of the larynx. Some suggest that the reason for the laryngeal prominence usually being more prominent in males is that the two laminae of the thyroid cartilage that form the protrusion meet at an angle of 90° in males but that angle is usually 120° in females. This theory, however, seems more like conjecture when the fact is taken into consideration that with most women with a large laryngeal prominence appear no different from those seen on men.“


On the Characteristics of Business English Language and Translation
Abstract: The Business English to convey Information such as business theory and practice, its highly specialized vocabulary, stylistic norms formal statement, a simple and neat, multi-sociability sets of language, there are some metaphors, hyperbole, contrast and other rhetorical devices. Participants should have a strong business cross-cultural awa
