威尼斯的小艇课文原文(两边的建筑飞一般的往后倒退,我们的眼睛忙极了,不知看那一处好( )修辞,通过( )描写,写出( )
发布时间: 2023-07-10


两边的建筑飞一般的往后倒退,我们的眼睛忙极了,不知看那一处好( )修辞,通过( )描写,写出( )

(夸张)的修辞手法,通过(侧面 )描写,写出了(船夫的驾驶技术特别好)。










船夫的驾驶技术特别好。行船的速度极快,来往船只很多,他操纵自如,毫不手忙脚乱。 不管怎么拥挤,他总能左拐右拐地挤过去。遇到极窄的地方,他总能平稳地穿过,而且速度非常快,还能作急转弯。两边的建筑飞一般地往后倒退,我们的眼睛忙极了,不知看哪一处好。


Venice boat
Venice is a world-famous water city, rivers criss cross, boat into the main means of transport, equal to the street car.
Venice boat is twenty or thirty feet long, narrow and deep, a bit like a canoe. The bow and stern up like new moon hanging in the sky, as if the action is agile, the ditch water snakes.
We sat in the cabin, as soft as general sofa leather cushion. A boat through different forms of stone. We opened the curtains, looked at the stands on both sides of the ancient buildings, to greet the traffic, have lots of fun.
The driving technology is particularly good. Sailing speed, ship a lot, he did not have an easy control in the matter, rush. No matter how crowded, he can always turn left turn right to push past. Have a very narrow place, he can smoothly pass through, and the speed is very fast, but also as a sharp turn. The buildings on both sides of the building generally backwards, our eyes are very busy, I do not know which one is good.
With a bag of goods merchant, hurried down the boat along the river to do business. A young woman in a boat to laugh loudly. Many children from the nanny with, sitting in a boat to the countryside to breathe the fresh air. The old man took a solemn family, holding the Bible, sitting in a boat to go to church to pray.
At midnight, the theatres, a large group of people hold out, go on their boat. Clustered together the boat soon spread, disappeared in the bend of the river, heard a voice laughing and farewell. On the surface of the water is gradually silent, I saw the moon’s shadow shaking in the water. Tall stone buildings stand in the river, the old bridge across the water, large and small boats are parked on the pier. Silence enveloped the city on the water, the ancient Venice and fell asleep.