发布时间: 2023-07-18






1、The spirit advocated in the 21st century is one of...

例:The spirit advocated in the 21st century is one of cooperation and coexistence.


2、... is similar to/bears close resemblances to...

例:Pursuing knowledge is similar to climbing a mountain.


3、This philosophy can insightfully explain why it is (not) a wise idea to...

例:This philosophy can insightfully explain why it is a wise idea to constantly pursue self-improvement.


4、 the pyramidal cornerstone for success and also the source of real happiness.

例:Keeping optimistic is the pyramidal cornerstone for success and also the source of real happiness.

译:保持乐观是所有成功的基石,也是真正幸福的来源。(适用于2012真题“乐观” )

5、 the first step on the road to success.

例:Self-confidence is the first step on the road to success.


6、... can help a person set ambitious goals, overcome obstacles and then achieve ultimate success.

例:The spirit of moving forward can help a person set ambitious goals, overcome obstacles and then achieve ultimate success.


7、... is a basic requirement for a company or a person to succeed in this fast-paced/fiercely competitive society.

例:Cooperation is a basic requirement for a company or a person to succeed in this fiercely competitive society.


8、...can enable a person/a company/a nation to..., which can ensure his great and lasting success/its sustainable progress.

例:Having harmonious family relationship can enable a person to work energetically at his career, which can ensure his great and lasting success.


9、... will facilitate the growth of a person/a company/a nation, thereby making it more likely for him/it to be the winner in the competitive world.

例:Cultural blending will facilitate the growth of a nation, thereby making it more likely for it to be the winner in the competitive world.


10、.... can ensure people/companies/nations efficiently and correctly complete their missions and make great contributions to the society.

例:Cooperation can ensure people efficiently and correctly complete their missions and make great contributions to the society.


11、...will be helpful in improving living standards/interpersonal relationship/civic morality and then creating a vibrant and harmonious society.

例:Promotion of respect for aged parents will be helpful in improving civic morality and then creating a vibrant and harmonious society.


12、People/Companies/Nations who/which ...are quite likely to grow unhealthily in an unbalanced way and then have limited achievements.

例:Nations which refuse to promote cultural blending are quite likely to grow unhealthily in an unbalanced way and have limite
