发布时间: 2023-07-11



life 英
n. 生活,生计; 生命,性命; 一生,寿命; 人生,尘世;
I have a happy life.
No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there’s always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.
If you love life, life will love you back.
When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.
2、An aim in life生活目标
3、What life is all about生活究竟是什么
4、An answer to life’s riddle生活之谜的答案,生命之谜的答案
5、Appetite for life对生活的热爱
6、Art is long and life is short/arts longa vita brevis
7、Art of living生活的技艺
8、Attachment to life依附生活
9、You’ve got entirely the wrong attitude to life
10、We believe in life before death我们信死前的生命
11、The best things in life are free
12、A blasphemy against life对生命的亵渎
13、Bring to life使苏醒、使生动活泼、复活
14、The call of life生活的召唤
15、A celebration of the life of…对……生活的颂扬
16、Facing up to life’s challenges直面生活的挑战
17、Life changes, and I want to be able to change with it
18、A charmed life毫无灾祸的生活
19、Life class (life means “the original”: cf.”as large as life”)
20、Clinging to life执着于生活、忠于生活、依附生活
21、Life coach生活教练,生命教练
22、Take life as it comes坦然接受生活
23、Coming to life苏醒过来、复活、恢复生命力
24、Commitment to life委身于生活
25、The right to control my own life掌握我自己生活的权利
26、(but)we don’t control life(然而)我们并不掌握生活
27、A crime against life伤害生命之害
28、Cultural life文化生活
29、The human life-cycle人的生命周期
30、Live dangerously(Nietzsche)危险地生活(尼采)
31、The dark side/face of life生活的阴暗面
32、For dear life逃命(似)地、拼命地
33、A matter of life and death(film title,1958)生死攸关(电影片名,1958年)
34、To deny life否定生活,否定生命
35、Despair of life对生活的绝望,对生命的绝望
36、Distrust of life怀疑生活
37、Drawing from life写生
38、Life is not a dress-rehearsal生活不是一次彩排
39、Domestic life, the sanctity of: see also Public life, private life, sex life, religious life家庭生活,……的神圣性:也见政治生活、私生活、性生活、宗教生活
40、A double life, interior life, etc.双重生活,内心生活,等等
41、Living on the edge(book title)生活在边缘(书名)
43、Enjoy life享受生活,享受生命
44、Life is everything生活就是一切,生命就是一切
45、Pronouncing life extinct宣告生命结束
46、The facts of life(first used by advocates of sex education)生活的真相(首先为性教育的提倡者所使用)
47、Life is not fair生活是不公平的
48、Have faith in life信仰生活、信仰生命
49、Faithful to life忠于生活
50、Life in the fast lane忙于奔命
51、Fear of life对生活的恐惧
52、Feeling more alive/what makes me feel most alive
53、Fighting for life/to save someone’s life
54、A flicker of life对生命的短暂体验
55、Life-force(from c. 1990: biological vitalism)
56、Frighten the life out of me吓死我了
57、Live fast, die young生活放荡,年纪轻轻就死去
58、Live life to the full/a full life日子过得充实、生活充满活力
59、Full of life生机勃勃、精神焕发
60、The futility of life徒劳的生活
61、Get a life!(c. 1989,U.S.A.)过更充实的生活(约1989年,美国)
62、Getting more out of life可以生活得更合你的心意
63、Getting on in life发迹、飞黄腾达、立身处世
64、We want to get on with our lives我们想与生活和睦相处
65、The gift of life/take life as a gift生活的礼物/把生活当成一份礼物
66、All life belongs to God所有生命都属于上帝
