robertburns(求:Robert Burns 的个人简介(英文)
发布时间: 2023-07-11


求:Robert Burns 的个人简介(英文)

Robert Burns (January 25, 1759 – July 21, 1796) was a poet and a lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best-known of the poets who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and a ’light’ Scots dialect which would have been accessible to a wider audience than simply Scottish people. At various times in his career, he wrote in English, and in these pieces, his political or civil commentary is often at its most blunt....
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彭斯之夜的罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)

在1月25日,不光在全苏格兰地区有数以百万计的人庆祝彭斯之夜,就是在全世界的其他大洲上也有。这是为了庆祝1759年1月25日出生于苏格兰Ayrshire的苏格兰民族的诗人——罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)而举办的诞辰庆祝晚会。但是,你或许会问,为什么会在如此多的国家里有如此众多的人仍然在纪念一个已经逝世很久的诗人的一生和他的作品呢?你只要想想除夕夜庆典就能明白一部分原因了。
彭斯的那首著名的赞美友谊的诗歌“Auld Lang Syne”,能风靡全球每个新年庆祝活动,就在于它很好的把握了一个普遍真理:过去已经成为永远的过去,但过去决不能被忘记。今天,当我们手挽着手一起为友谊干杯的时候,他的话提醒我们已经过去的许多时光。这是个典型的苏格兰式的视角,通过现在的朋友们和美好的举杯,将残酷的现实生活变得更加令人愉快。
另外,彭斯的诗和歌要求我们记住并且纪念普遍人性,那种过去就存在并与现在有关的历史的积淀。彭斯诗歌与当今的联系,在2004年的纽约怀念彭斯的文化研讨会上得到展现。当时,联合国秘书长科斐·安南就选择彭斯诗中的“A Man’s a Man for a’ that”作为他呼吁人们在面对持续的和过去的种族歧视时要保持容忍的基础。
当然,苏格兰人庆祝“彭斯之夜”的另一个原因是他们不想错过一个好的聚会。毕竟,“彭斯之夜”是个聚会和寻找伴侣的机会:能和心仪的人在一起,享受美食和演讲的乐趣。看一下彭斯的诗歌吧。如果你从来没有去过“彭斯之夜”或“彭斯晚宴“,你或许会对那里都会发生什么很感兴趣。以下是一个典型的安排计划: 晚会主席致欢迎词; 晚宴在“Selkirk Grace”声中开始: “有些人有肉但吃不到;  有些人根本吃不到他们想吃的东西;  但我们有肉并且能够吃到;  就让上帝感谢它吧!” 每个人都想得到苏格兰羊肉布丁 风笛手引导厨师把苏格兰羊肉布丁放到首位桌子上 客人们缓缓鼓掌入座 晚会主席或另外的人邀请客人一起朗诵彭斯的诗歌Address to a Haggis 欣赏彭斯的诗歌Address to a Haggis的朗诵并且看诗歌内容: 当你看到 an cut you up wi’ ready slight时,苏格兰羊肉布丁已经开始切削了 每个人都为苏格兰羊肉布丁举起了盛有威士忌的酒杯并开始用餐 有人邀请客人发表一个关于彭斯或他的持久的生命力的简短的演讲 再就是为妇女或姑娘们来一个由衷的举杯 姑娘们再为男士们来一个由衷的回敬 晚会在诗歌和歌曲声中继续进行 晚会最后在大家手挽手一起歌唱“ Auld Lang Syne”中结束


Robert Burns (1759-1796) Scottish poet, farmer, in the history of English literature occupies a special importance. His resurrection and to enrich the folk songs of Scotland; his poetry full of musical and can sing. Peng Sisheng in danger of being alien in the Scottish national age of conquest, therefore, his poetry is full of radical democracy, freedom of thought.Poet living in rural areas of bankruptcy, and the poor peasant flesh and blood. His poems extolling the beautiful old country home, and describe a simple friendship and love working.
Began writing poetry in 1783. 1786 published “The main collection of poems written by the Scottish dialect,“ focused on closing the “dogs“ “Red, Red Rose,“ “mice“, “To the mountain daisy“, “To lice“ and other excellent than Scottish Xing poetry, biting satire “Holy Day Fair“, praise the farmers and the beautiful nature of the “Saturday Night farmers“ and other poems.Poetry caused a sensation. He was invited to Edinburgh, a lady guest of honor were male, and Johnson became acquainted with the Scottish ballad collector. Back home soon.

Robert Burns 简介

彭斯(4042~2478) Burns,Robert 彭斯-生平 英国诗人d 。1413年8月765日5生于l苏格兰艾尔郡阿洛韦镇的一h个f佃农家庭,4168年5月018日4卒于u邓4弗里斯。自幼家境贫寒,未受过正规教育,靠自学获得多方2面的知识。最优秀的诗
