发布时间: 2023-07-11

Express (表达)这个词很有意思:它的词根是 press,意思是“在某物之上加力”,可引申为“竭力争取”“极力劝说”“硬塞”“熨烫(衣物)”等含义;而它的前缀ex表示“出来,离开”。综合起来,express这个词便是“表达”(看来表达是需要用力“压”出来的)。

用英语表达自己,你需做到两点:第一是有话可说,有料可写;第二是说得合适,写得漂亮。要做到这两点并不简单,要仔细琢磨,甚至是绞尽脑汁。在你还不能做到下笔生花的阶段,请考虑think twice原则,即先粗略传意,后美化表达。






三个“涨价”,raise prices用它三回?且慢!“排比” 虽然好,但让读者怀疑你词汇贫乏就麻烦大了。多样化表达走起!

例 Coffee companies, cafes and corner delis often raise prices; they rarely cut them. Earlier this year, Starbucks increased the prices of many drinks by around 1% in much of the Northeast and Sunbelt (阳光地带,特指美国南部和西南部地区). J.M. Smucker Co., which sells packaged Dunkin’ Donuts and Folgers coffee had hiked them by 23% in 2011.


点评 不难看出,多样化表达需要具备一定的词汇量。你得知道raise、increase、hike都可以表示“提高”,否则上述好句子冥思苦想亦不可得。



例 In the Chinatown section of San Francisco, rice and snow peas are a part of many holiday meals. In New Mexico, one might encounter chili peppers on the Fourth of July. In Hawaii, one popular way to celebrate a holiday is with a feast.

点评 第一个“吃”的表达为:“Sth. is a part of meals.”虽然简单,但很精彩、灵活。第二个“吃”的表达为:“One encounters sth.”用“某人遭遇食物”来表达“吃”,很好玩吧!最后一个“吃”的表达为:“One way to do sth. is with a feast.”做某事的一个方式是来一顿大餐,其意昭然若揭。


如果词语与句型的变化搭配使用,英语句子将会焕发瑰丽的色彩。例如,颜色经常被用来描述人的情绪或状态,猜一猜“红”“粉”“蓝”“绿”分别代表什么?稍作思考,就能得出这个句子:“Red means angry; pink means healthy; blue means sad; green means jealous.”虽然说这个句子表意清晰,但means重复的次数过多,显得单调。如果我们think twice,可将其美化,得出下面这个例句。

例 “Red with rage” describes anger; “in the pink” means to be in good health; “feeling blue” is a sad way to feel; “green with envy” indicates a jealous attitude.

点评 不难发现,英语中有一些习语刚好表达了颜色跟人的关系。比如,red with rage (气得脸色发红)描述了愤怒的状态;in the pink (面色红润)描述了健康的样子;feeling blue (忧郁如蓝调)描述了悲伤的感觉;green with envy (嫉妒得脸色发青)描述了嫉妒的态度。“代表”的表达也实现了多样化:describe、mean to be、indicate是在努力换词,而feeling blue is a sad way to feel是通过换句型表达同样的意思。





例1 Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.

点评 此句属于借助副词加强语气:在进行时be doing中加入了频度副词always,用于表示一种厌烦不满的情绪。

如果我们要用英语表达“秦始皇在中国历史上最具争议”,掌握了初级语法规则的人会不假思索地想到:“The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty is the most controversial figure in Chinese history.”这个表达虽然准确,但还是建议大家think twice。《新概念英语3》第23课中有这样一句:“No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.”我们可以模仿这个句子来表达上面那句话。

例2 No other figure in Chinese history receives more praise and abuse than the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty./No other figure in Chinese history is more controversial than the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

点评 短语“no … more … than …”乃强化语气之利器!其精髓在于用比较级的形式表达出最高级的含义。


例3 Scientists say malaria-carrying mosquitoes cannot travel far on their own. But the insects can, and do, catch rides in the belongings of people who travel.

点评 这个句子借助助词do来加强catch rides的语气,do可以翻译为“确实”。


具有否定意义的副词及短语放在句首时,句子一般采用倒装。请大家试着表达:“他们不仅勤奋,而且富有创造精神和发明精神。”我们可以表达为:“They are not only industrious but they are creative and inventive as well.”这里的“not only … but … as well”用得不错,但请think twice,这里还有进步的空间。我们可将其美化为:

例 Not only are they industrious, but they are creative and inventive as well.

点评 美化后的句子采用了倒装,加强了句子的语气。


