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2023/7/19 8:53:35 ('互联网')



Chris, Jack, Josh, Ivan, Wilson 蛮好听,都不错
ABBOT: “abbey father.“ Variant Abbott exists.
ACKER: “from the oak tree.“ Variant Akker exists.
ACKERLEY: “from the oak-tree meadow.“ Variant Ackley exists.
ACKERMAN: “man of oak“
ADAM: “of the red earth“
ADDIS: “son of Adam.“ Variant Adamson exists.
ADY: “ardent“
ADKINS: “son of Aiken.“ Variants include Atkinson, Atkinsone, and Attkins.
ADNEY: “lives on the noble’s island.“ Variants include Addaneye, Addney, and Adny.
AELDRA: “lives at the elder tree“
AELFDANE: “Danish elf“
AELFDENE: “from the elfin valley“
AETHELHARD: name of a king
AETHELISDUN: “from the noble’s hill.“ Variants include Aetheston, and Athelston.
AFTON: Old English name derived from a Scottish place name. Originally a boy’s name. Now unisex. Variant Affton exists.
AIKEN: “oaken.“ Variants include Adken, Adkyn, Aickin, and Aikin.
AINSWORTH: “from Ann’s estate“
ALBERN: “noble warrior.“ Variants include Aethelbeorn, and Alburn.
ALBERT: “noble, bright.“ Variants include Aethelberht, Aethelbert, and Alburt.
ALCOTT: “from the old cottage“
ALDEN: “wise friend.“ Variants include Aldwin, Aldwine, and Aldwyn.
ALDER: “from the alder tree.“ Variant Aler exists.
ALDO: “ancient“
ALDOUS: “Old“ or “From the old house.“ Variant Aldus exists.
ALDRICH: “wise ruler.“ Variants include Aldric, and Aldrik.
ALFORD: “from the old ford.“ Variants include Avery, and Alvord.
ALFRED: “sage.“ Variants include Alfraed, Alfredo, and Alfrid.
ALL: “handsome“
ALLARD: “brave.“ Variant Alhhard exists.
ALLRED: “wise, red-haired man.“ Variants include Aldred, and Aldrid.
ALMO: “noble, famous.“ Variants include Aethelmaer, Athemar, and Athmarr.
ALSTON: “from the elf’s home.“ Variant Aethelstun exists.
ALTON: “from the old manor.“ Variants include Aldan, Alden, and Aldtun.
AMSDEN: “from Ambrose’s valley“
ANGLESEY: “from Anglesey“
ANN: “merciful.“ Variant Ain exists.
ANNA: name of a king
ANSCOM: “lives in the valley of the majestic one.“ Variants include Aenescumb, and Anscomb.
ANSLEY: “from the awe-inspiring one’s meadow.“ Variants include Aenedleah, Ainsley, and Ansleigh.
ANSON: “Ann’s son; grace.“
ARCHER: “bowman.“ Variant Archere exists.
ARDELL: “from the hare’s dell.“ Variant Ardel exists.
ARDLEY: “from the home-lover’s meadow.“ Variants include Ardaleah, and Ardleigh.
ARDOLF: “home-loving wolf.“ Variants include Ardolph, and Ardwolf.
ARIC: “sacred ruler.“ Variants include Alhric, Alhrick, Alhrik, and Arik.
ARKWRIGHT: “makes chests“
ARLEDGE: “lives at the hare’s lake“
ARLEY: “from the hare’s meadow.“ Variants Arleigh, and Arlie.
ARLO: “fortified hill“
ARMSTRONG: “strong-armed.“ Variant Armstrang exists.
ARNETT: “little eagle.“ Variants include Arnatt, Arnet, and Arnott.
ARTHGALLO: myth name
ARUNDEL: “from the eagle’s dell.“ Variant Arndell exists.
ASCOT: “lives at the east cottage.“ Variant Ascott exists.
ASHBURN: “lives near the ash-tree brook.“ Variant Aesoburne exists.
ASHBY: “from the ash-tree farm.“ Variant Aescby exists.
ASHFORD: “lives by the ash-tree ford.“ Variants include Aescford, and Aisford.
ASHLEY: Old English unisex name meaning “dwells at the ash-tree meadow.“ Taken from a place; first used as a surname. Variants include Aescleah, Aisley, Aisly, Ashely, Ashla, Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashli, Ashlie,







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