诚信的重要性英语作文(关于诚实的英语作文 带翻译
发布时间: 2023-07-19


关于诚实的英语作文 带翻译

About honest 关于诚实
To be honest was very important for everyone.诚实对于我们每个人来说都是非常重要的。Don’t tell a lie,some or many lie,you will lost everything.不要学会说谎,说一些,或者很多的谎言,它终将使你失去所有。Nobody likes a lie.没有人喜欢谎言。If you don’t want to lose your lover,friends,jobs.如果你不想要失去你的爱人,朋友,工作的话。Please don’t tell a lie.请不要学会说谎。Long time ago,sometimes I will tell a lie,and I think true a lie I don’t think it’s a wrong matters,but one day I met the christ,my opinion to be different totally,the god told me that’s wrong,I just correct,never tell a lie.And I think sometimes I say a true matter to someone perhaps someone was not very happy,but I think that he will appriate for you and forgive me.很久以前,我有时将会说谎,并且我认为说个真实的谎言应该不碍事,但是,有 一天,我去了基督教,我的想法就完全不同了,上帝告诉我,那是错误的观点,我就此改正了,不再说谎。并且我想,有时候,我们说了一些实话,可能当时别人会真的不高兴,但是,他们事后将会欣赏我们并且原谅我们。The god say:When you forgive someone someone also will forgive you.So I think that to be honest is very important to everyone.上帝说:当你原谅了别人的同时,别人也会原谅你。所以,我想诚实对每个人来说都是非常重要的。


Honest is one of the chinese traditional vitue .It is very important in our lives,especually it plays vital role in the friendship. Now let me illustrate the reasons in the following reasons. First, friendship need honest .For example,if you often tell a lie to your friends,it is not honest action,you may loose your friend.Dishonest people are no friends.
Second, honest is the beginning of the friendship.A new person is willing to make friends with you ,he certainly thinks you are honest one.If you are not,your new friend will leave you.
In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest ,especially we should be hoest to friends.


What is integrity? Integrity is a good quality of being honest. It is a fine virtue for everyone. A man of integrity is loved by all. Without integrity, he will lose the best friend.
Integrity is especially important for students. We should finish our homework independently. We must return books when it is due. We should listen to the teacher carefully no matter what kind of lesson it is. If we promise to do something, we should try our best to do it well.
再给一篇长的备用吧 :
Honesty Is Gold
Honesty means speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.
Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.
However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequis
