发布时间: 2023-07-11



      1. 用来发朋友圈的精美英语句子有哪些
      1. Time 翻译:时光易逝。
      2. Time is 翻译:一寸光阴一寸金。
      3. Time and tide wait for no 翻译:岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。
      4. Time tries 翻译:时间检验一切。
      5. Time tries 翻译:时间检验真理。
      6. Time past cannot be called back again
      7. All time is no time when it is 翻译:时间不会再来。
      8. No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called 翻译:昨日不复来。
      9. Tomorrow comes 翻译:切莫依赖明天。
       today is worth two 翻译:一个今天胜似两个明天。
       morning sun never lasts a 翻译:好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。
       comes but once a 翻译:圣诞一年只一度。
       hours fly past
       takes no account of 翻译:欢娱不惜时光逝。
       tames the strongest 翻译:时间能缓和极度的悲痛。
2. 干净的圈子,用英语怎么说,这个圈子是只朋友圈的意思,最好一个
      英文:Clean circle
      英文:Circle of Friends;
      动 shut in a pen; pen in; lock up; put in jail
      名 pen; fold; sty; a surname
      名 circle; ring; group;
      动 enclose; encircle; mark with a circle ;
3. 英语短句翻译
      The teacher should encourage students to express their thoughts /minds in class .
      It seems that jack is surprised for ur words
      Because of the lack of courage, he lost the chance to tell the truth to the make mistakes is impossible when the students learn English,
      Many people think that held the 2008 Olympic Games is the glory of chinese




1. Deliberate

走心的一个重要过程是经过了深思熟虑。Deliberate做形容词时有“故意”的意思,作为动词它还可以表示“在做决定前仔细琢磨,反复思考”。例如:Parents are deliberating this question. (家长们要仔细想想这个问题了。)

2. Be mindful of

除了反复琢磨,走没走心重点在“心”,看你是否真的留心。英文可以用be mindful of 这个短语来表达。例如:He is mindful of his duties. (他十分尽职尽责。)其实就是他对该做的事情很走心。

3. Take it to heart

还有种走心是真的往心里去了。Take it to heart可以表示“耿耿于怀”、“记在心上”。例句:I am just joking. Please don’t take it to heart.(我开个玩笑而已,千万别往心里去。)

4. Touching

对于文艺青年来说,如果一篇文章感人肺腑,写到你的心窝里去了,想说它“走心”怎么办?试试这个简单的单词touching吧。既然能打动你,一定很走心对不对?例句:Her story was deeply touching. (她的故事很走心。)

5. Have someone/something in mind

走心还可以是你在人家的脑海里挥之不去,或者被人家考虑到了。例如:They have you in mind for the job. (他们考虑给你那份工作。)也就是说雇主对你走心了,你离拿offer不远了~




指凡事都要从心里过一遍,忌浮躁应付了事。“走心”了英文到底咋说?1. Deliberate走心的一个重要过程是经过了深思熟虑。

Deliberate做形容词时有“故意”的意思,作为动词它还可以表示“在做决定前仔细琢磨,反复思考”。例如:Parents are deliberating this question. (家长们要仔细想想这个问题了。)

2. Be mindful of除了反复琢磨,走没走心重点在“心”,看你是否真的留心。英文可以用be mindful of 这个短语来表达。

例如:He is mindful of his duties. (他十分尽职尽责。)其实就是他对该做的事情很走心。

3. Take it to heart还有种走心是真的往心里去了。Take it to heart可以表示“耿耿于怀”、“记在心上”。

例句:I am just joking. Please don’t take it to heart.(我开个玩笑而已,千万别往心里去。)4. Touching对于文艺青年来说,如果一篇文章感人肺腑,写到你的心窝里去了,想说它“走心”怎么办?试试这个简单的单词touching吧。

既然能打动你,一定很走心对不对?例句:Her story was deeply touching. (她的故事很走心。)5. Have someone/something in mind走心还可以是你在人家的脑海里挥之不去,或者被人家考虑到了。

例如:They have you in mind for the job. (他们考虑给你那份工作。)也就是说雇主对你走心了,你离拿offer不远了~希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!。


Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


Don’t waste your time on a
