发布时间: 2023-07-17


瞻:视,望; 瞩:注视。 站得高,看得远。比喻眼光远大。

高瞻远瞩,读音: [ gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ ]

出 处:






2、 每当家里有什么大事,爸爸总是能高瞻远瞩,把握局势。




[读音][gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ]

翻译另个小故事 译成英文不要翻译器的 偶还是懂点英文

1 vision
Knowledge that understanding. Judging from the depth of thinking, knowledge refers to the vision, is the predictable things and understanding the development of depth.
There are two companies who want to invest in real estate in a suburb, and factions of the staff went to investigate the situation there. A business results in the study after the company reported that: “where a small population, the Housing Industry bleak house repaired and no one to live.“ Enterprises and B are in the study after the company reported that “Although the sparsely populated, but elegant environment where people are tired of the noisy city, there will be resettlement of like life.“ enterprise B was not expected, as the city surrounded by rural areas, more and more city people yearn for rural life, especially in some farmer’s music, to do more is in full swing. Therefore, B investment is wise.
A short-sighted corporate staff, we have only seen before the appearance of things, and B, but far-sighted enterprises, from the appearance in the foreseeable future. B enterprises is much higher than the former of the foresight. If the leadership of a business enterprise like A, like myopia, then his actions are likely to be short-term behavior, and if B outstanding enterprises as knowledge, long-term vision that will enable enterprises to obtain long-term interests.
Achievements of real people, must learn to think rather than follow the old system.
2 of the cats catching mice
The more people in order to catch a mouse, get back to a specially good at catching mice cats, cat good at catching mice, who likes to eat chicken, the result of more people in the country arrested for optical mice, but also left the chicken, wanted his son removed the cats from eating chicken for the father said: “the scourge of our home is not a chicken rats, mice steal bad bite of our food to our clothes, we dug wear damage to the walls of our furniture, not the exception We will starve them out cold, it is necessary to get rid of them!吃罢no chicken not a big deal, is far from cold starve a mile! “
No gold is entirely pure, the leader can not expect perfection of talent, no one is inevitable that some minor defects, as long as no harm, why should it be too mean? The most important thing is his greatest strengths was found, how can the interests of enterprises. For example, the U.S. has a well-known inventor Lottner, although alcoholism, but the Ford or Ford sincerely invited to the work of its end, the development of this man-made Ford made a contribution.
Advocated the modernization of management practice on functional analysis: “can“ refers to the ability of a person’s strength, strengths weaknesses comprehensive; “reactive“ refers to whether these capabilities can be transformed into work. The results showed that: rather the use of flawed genius, but also do not have no flaws of the mediocre “perfect.“
Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. Can not be burned to drive away mice and the Housing
34, good hunters
Homogeneous state of a person who likes to hunt, to
