发布时间: 2023-07-19



愚人节快乐的翻译:Happy April Fools’ Day或者 Happy All Fools’ Day

1、Ha , ha , ha, April Fool. 

哈哈哈, 愚人节快乐.

2、Ha , ha, April Fools. 

哈哈, 愚人节快乐.

3、Explosive hot dogs! You and your April fool jokes! I’t think that’s funny! Hmph! - April fool! 

会爆炸的热狗! 你和你的愚人节玩笑! 我不认为那很有趣! 嗯! - 愚人节快乐!

4、Today is April Fools’Day . 

今天是 愚人节.

5、Yes, we have Thanksgiving Day, Labor Day and April Fool’s Day. 

是的.我们有感恩节 、 劳动节,以及愚人节.

6、April Fool’s Day is on April 1. 


愚人节快乐英语怎么读 愚人节快乐英语如何读

1、愚人节快乐英语:Happy April Fools Day,英 。

2、大家愚人节快乐。Happy April Fools Day, everybody.

3、愚人节快乐!Happy April Fools Day!

4、史蒂夫:也祝你愚人节快乐。Steve: Happy April FoolsDay to you, too.



  April Fools’ Day就是“愚人节”的意思,是西方社会民间传统节日,下文是我为大家收集的.愚人节快乐英文翻译,仅供参考!



  Happy April Fool’s Day


  Steve: Happy April Fools’Day to you, too.


  Happy April Fool’s Day, everybody.


  Ha, ha, April Fools.



  Every April 1st, the west is also America folk traditional festival -- April Fool’s day.

  愚人节起源于法国。1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法——格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1月1日为一年之始。但一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革,依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送礼品,庆祝新年。主张改革的人对这些守旧者的做法大加嘲弄。聪明滑稽的人在4月1日就给他们送假礼品,邀请他们参加假招待会.并把上当受骗的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”。从此人们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流行的风俗。18世纪初,愚人节习俗 传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。

  April Fool’s Day originated in france. In 1564, French first adopted the Gregorian calendar reform -- the new calendar (the Gregorian calendar that is now common), with January 1st as the beginning of the year. But some follow the beaten track who opposed this reform, still according to stubbornly cling to the old calendar in April 1st this day to send gifts to celebrate the new year. Advocates of the reform of the old person practices of much mockery. Smart funny in April 1st will give them false gift, invited them to false reception. And deceived conservatives as “April fool“ or “bait fish“. Then people will fool each other in April 1st, France has become a popular custom. At the beginning of eighteenth Century, April Fool’s day practices reached England, followed by the British in the early immigrants to the America.


  April Fool’s day, people are often a family gathering, the room decoration with daffodils and daisies. Typical arrangement of the traditional approach is to leave the environment, can make the room like Christmas. Can also be decorated like a Chinese new year, when the guests, then congratulations to them “Merry Christmas“ or “Happy New Year“, it is interesting and unique.



  This morning, wang yiyang, a small mechanic, shouted, “it’s April fool’s day, it’s April fool’s day.

  You know what? You can play jokes on each other, but you can’t be angry with each other. We were all excited to hear what he said, and we were planning to do a vigorous action together.

  Before the third math class in the morning, the little mischievous li wei moved his chair, and the two books were quietly placed on top of the door. I couldn
