发布时间: 2023-07-09



第一, 建议校长开房图书馆,书是人类进步的阶梯,书对于我们非常重要,现在有了电脑,大家都变得不爱看书,一碰到什么


学校是就像我们的第二个家,学校的环境、设施于我们息息相关,你对学校有什么建议呢?用英语给校长写一封 建议 信吧!给了解相关精彩内容请参考我为大家精心准备的 文章 :给校长写一封信建议 英语 作文 。


★ 给校长的一封信英文版 ★

★ 给校长写信改善伙食英语作文 ★

★ 英语作文建议信的格式范文 ★

★ 高考英语作文模板之建议信 ★


Dear Headmaster,

I am a student of our school.I,d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.

There are 3 advantages of canteen service in our school.First,our canteen is very clean,Second,the food is delicious,Third,the attitude of service is good.

But it also has some disadvantages . Such as the price of the food is high, few variety to choose from,too long waiting time for buying food.

In my opinion,we can invite our student to take part in the canteen for offering the help.We may let the student list the food they like to let the canteen to make it.

I hope more and more student will like our canteen service. 




Dear President,


I am an ordinary student in the school, I have lived in the school for more than five years, our school is a beautiful big garden, is the teachers, classmates common home. Here, I can smell the fresh air every day, I feel happy for I can study in such an environment. However, I found that some students are destroying our “home“. Look at the plastic bags of bread “dancing“ in the hallway. However, none of the students passing by will pick it up. In order to provide a better environment for the school, I would like to make the following suggestions:

1. Tell the students about environmental protection with the red scarf broadcast and publicity column.

2. Set up an environmental protection team and invite students to participate voluntarily. Students from the environmental protection team will go to the corridors of each floor for inspection at regular times every day. If you see a student throw it, give appropriate criticism. And give rewards to those who find out.

3. Call on students to make a handwritten newspaper about environmental protection to enhance their awareness of environmental protection.

4. Set up a “green mobile red flag“ rating column. Let the students from the environmental protection team go to each class at 2:30 p.m. every day to check the health situation and urge the students to pay attention to health.

The above is my suggestion, I hope you can take it and make our school a more beautiful big garden.

Your students:__


Dear Mr. Headmaster,

I am Li Hua , a student from class o
