发布时间: 2023-07-10



综述:丹佛儿denver、丹Dan、丹妮Danny、罗丹Rodin、丹尼尔Daniel、丹茜Daisy、Dance 丹丝、Dane 戴恩(丹恩)。


When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert. 







Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917). The French artist Auguste Rodin had a profound influence on 20th-century sculpture. His works are distinguished by their stunning strength and realism. Rodin refused to ignore the negative aspects of humanity, and his works confront distress and moral weakness as well as passion and beauty.
Francois-Auguste-Rene Rodin was born on Nov. 12, 1840, in Paris. At the age of 14 he entered the Petite Ecole, a school of decorative arts in Paris. He applied three times to study at the renowned Ecole des Beaux-Arts but was rejected each time. In 1858 he began to do decorative stonework in order to make his living. Four years later the death of his sister Marie so traumatized Rodin that he entered a sacred order.
The father superior of the order recognized Rodin’s talents and encouraged him to pursue his art. In 1864 Rodin met a seamstress named Rose Beuret. She became his life companion and was the model for many of his works. That year Rodin submitted his Man with a Broken Nose to the Paris Salon. It was rejected but later accepted under the title Portrait of a Roman. Rodin traveled in 1875 to Italy, where the works of Michelangelo made a strong impression on him. The trip inspired his sculpture The Age of Bronze, which was exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1877. It caused a scandal because the critics could not believe that Rodin had not used a casting of a live model in creating so realistic a work.
The controversy brought Rodin more fame than praise might have. In 1880 he was commissioned to create a bronze door for the future Museum of Decorative Arts. Although the work was unfinished at the time of his death, it provided the basis for some of Rodin’s most influential and powerful work. In 1884 he was commissioned to create a monument that became The Burghers of Calais. His statues St. John the Baptist Preaching, Eve, The Age of Bronze, and The Thinker are world famous. Rodin died on Nov. 17, 1917, and was buried at Meudon.
When Rodin was 76 years old he gave the French government the entire collection of his own works and other art objects he had acquired. They occupy the Hotel Biron in Paris as the Musee Rodin and are still placed as Rodin set them.


芭芭拉*史翠珊 Barbra Streisand
依莎多拉*邓肯Isadora Duncan
达芬奇da Vinci 米开朗琪罗Michelangelo
拉斐尔Raffaello 伦勃朗Rembrandt
凡高Van Gogh 塞尚Cezanne 杜尚Duchamp
罗丹Rodin 高更Gauguin 毕加索Picasso
斯托夫人 Harriet Beecher Stowe
马克吐温 Mark Twain 欧亨利O’Henry
海明威Hemingway 卡夫卡Kafka
夏洛特勃朗蒂Charlotte Bronte 泰戈尔Tagore
裴多菲Petefi 莫里哀Moliere 歌德Goethe
席勒Schiele 莎士比亚Shakespeare 易卜生Ibsen
列宾Repin 康定斯基Kandinsky 普希金Pushkin
屠格涅夫Turgenev 列夫托尔斯泰Leo Tolstoy
契诃夫Chekhov 高尔基Gorki
