发布时间: 2023-07-19





  Summer vacation, and I am like a let out from its cage bird, can fly freely in my own space, no heavy burden of study, no mother’s long-winded, not books.

  That day, my mother took me to the beach. I ran excitedly on the beach when I saw the scenery of the east lake beach bath. There are so many people on the beach. Some are playing beach volleyball, others are in gasha, and others are in the castle... On the lake in the distance, like dumplings. One by one, some in the water fight, others in water polo, and the other in the struggle to think of a small island in the distance... I couldn’t wait to join the beach crowd, occupying a piece of land and piling up my dream city. In school, in the morning and in the afternoon, we have to take classes in the classroom, like a cage for our lively and lovely birds. In summer vacation, I want to go where I want to go, I want to go swimming and swim, how carefree!

  Stand on the sand, tread on the soft sand of the foot of the foot, let the wave of the waves lapping the feet, savour the taste in the water to feel the other amorous feelings. Hold the golden sand and let the sand flow through the fingers. School in the morning, what time are you going to get up and what time get up, even if you are not sleeping until noon someone called you, and want to go to school, you’ll have to get up early, brush your teeth, wash face, eat ┅ ┅ so many things to finish before 7 o ’clock, and hurry to get to school late again to be scolded by the teacher, how much is not free! Let the trouble fall out of the clouds with the sand. The lake shimmered in the sunlight. I put the sand into a wall, and then I made a cylinder of sand, and finally I drew a few Windows on the cylinder with a stick, and a castle was born!





  Last term, I graduated from primary school. It means that I will be a junior school student next term. I am looking forward to my school life in the new school. Likewise, it means that this summer holiday is my last summer holiday in primary school. I want to do something different. Firstly, I do some preview for my junior school study. I want to have a good preparation for the new study tasks. Secondly, I learn to be independent. I learn to cook, so that when my parents go out, they don’t have to worry about me. Besides, I try hard to finish my work independently. I hope I can start to handle my own affairs by myself. Through this summer holiday, I do well in this aspect. Finally, I play a lot in summer holiday, meeting friends, doing exercise and so on. I have a rich summer holiday.



  Fifth grade holiday, no happiness, only was the dark clouds this holiday season, after ge
