发布时间: 2023-07-18



  中文名: 玛利亚·莎拉波娃
  外文名: Maria Sharapova
  别名: 莎娃
  国籍: 俄罗斯
  民族: 俄罗斯
  出生地: 俄罗斯尼尔根
  出生日期: 1987年4月19日
  身高: 188厘米
  体重: 59公斤
  运动项目: 网球
  主要奖项: 2004年温网冠军
  现居城市: 布雷登顿
  莎拉波娃于1987年4月19日出生在俄罗斯尼亚甘,乍暖还寒的初春时节赋予她以温柔与倔强并存的个性,当然还有俄罗斯人特有的骄傲。她为自己确定了一条明确的道路,她曾经多次表示,比起像库娃那样利用自己的美貌作秀,她更看重在球场上的成绩。她总是要求自己做到最好,不仅是其父亲这样严格要求,更 是她的个性使然。 看着她的过去,那是一条艰难却不屈的上升线。   她4岁开始打网球,9岁时便被迫离开母亲、远渡重洋到美国训练。待到她14岁,开始闯荡职业网坛,跟其他所有球员一样,她必须从低级别的赛事起步,一场一场的比赛然后获胜。在2002年3月,她15岁生日前不久,她首次被排入了WTA的排名系统,名列532位。到了2003年,她终于打入了温网的16强,并成功地将其年终世界排名留在了50位之内。 2004年对莎娃来说,是奇迹与荣耀的一年。她摘下了职业生涯中的首个大满贯桂冠——在温布尔登的胜利不仅让她成为了史上第4年轻的大满贯得主,也将她的年终世界排名一举提升到前5名。而2005年,她凭借在各项赛事的出色表现,终于在她18岁的秋天登上了女网球后的宝座。2006年的春天,她又在印第安维尔斯拿下一级赛事的单打冠军。 迄今为止,Maria已经获得25个WTA单打冠军(包括三个大满贯),三个WTA双打冠军,现世界排名第二,最高排名世界第一……这样的成绩足以让人们放弃把莎拉波娃比作“库尔尼科娃二世”。跟这位25岁的俄罗斯美少女相比,库尔尼科娃或许拥有不相上下的美貌,但在职业成绩和目前的商业价值上,早已经落下了好几个身位。在半个月前英国著名越野车品牌路虎与莎拉波娃签下天价合同时,其代言人就曾不吝赞美之词,将莎拉波娃盛誉为“年轻美丽的成功女性、全球的时代坐标。”

莎拉波娃的介绍(英文) 或者可以翻译百度百科的资料 历程之类的 要长很长很长!

莎拉波娃,Maria Yuryevna Sharapova
Maria Yuryevna Sharapova (Russian: Мария Юрьевна Шарáпова, born on April 19th, 1987) is a Russian professional tennis player and a former World No. 1. A US resident since 1994, she has won 24 WTA singles titles, including three Grand Slam singles titles at the 2004 Wimbledon, 2006 US Open and 2008 Australian Open. She has also won the year-end invitational WTA Tour Championships in 2004.
The Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) has ranked Sharapova World No. 1 in singles on four separate occasions. She became the World No. 1 for the first time on Aug 22nd, 2005 and last regained this ranking for the fourth time on May 19th, 2008.
Sharapova made her professional breakthrough in 2004 when, at age 17, she upset two-time defending champion and top seed Serena Williams in the 2004 Wimbledon final for her first Grand Slam singles title. She entered the top ten of the WTA Rankings with this win. Despite not winning a major in 2005, Sharapova briefly held the number one ranking, and reached three Grand Slam semifinals, losing to the eventual champion each time. She won her second major at the 2006 US Open defeating then-World No. 1 Amélie Mauresmo in the semifinals and World No. 2 Justine Henin in the final. Sharapova’s 2007 season was plagued with a chronic shoulder injury, and saw her ranking fall out of the top 5 for the first time in two years. She ultimately won her third Grand Slam at the 2008 Australian Open, defeating Henin in the quarterfinals and Ana Ivanović in the final. After reclaiming the number one ranking in May 2008, Sharapova’s shoulder problems re-surfaced, ultimately requiring surgery in October and forcing her out of the game for nearly ten months. Sharapova returned in May of 2009 and was ranked No. 126 in the world due to her extensive lay-off. Since her comeback, Sharapova has won 5 singles titles (bringing her career total to 24) and improved her ranking to the world number 2.
Sharapova’s public profile extends beyond tennis, as she has been featured in a number of modeling assignments, including a feature in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She has been featured in many advertisements including those for Nike, Prince and Canon and is the fa
