archetypical(急需 梵高 的英文简介..100字以下!!!!
发布时间: 2023-07-19


急需 梵高 的英文简介..100字以下!!!!

Van Gogh was born in a small Dutch village on March 30, 1853. Vincent started many jobs before he became an artist. He was real close to his family. In 1886, he moved to Paris, France to join Theo. Theo introduced Vincent to a lot of painters while they lived in Paris. Gauguin didn’t seem to like anything Van Gogh did in Arles. They argued a lot. Gauguin decided to leave Van Gogh. He became so angry he cut off his ear. He did many other paintings before he shot himself and died two days later.


  adj.原型的; 典型的;
  The designer only works with the lampshade here, the most archetypical
part of the lamp-a completely ordinary lampshade, bought in an ordinary

a rose is a rose is a rose

Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.

A rose is a rose is a rose.
原作者Gertrude Stein两句都说过。第一句如同 azurewater 说的,第一个 Rose 是人名。
这里的重复仅仅是为了加强“玫瑰”的这个概念。虽然许多人把这句跟莎士比亚的“a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”相提并论,并且解释为“不管如何称呼,玫瑰都是玫瑰”,但是原作者 Gertrude stein 自己的解释并不是这样。


荷兰艺术家 凡高 (1853--1890)
文森特·凡高(1853~1890年)生于南布拉邦特的格鲁宗戴尔,逝于瓦兹河畔安威尔.说起来,他成为画家的日子是1885年 12月.那时,他开始了既多产又短促的艺术生涯,因为他只需五年便完成了伟大的事业.在那时,如果他不是有个突如其来的显露,我 们今天无疑会把他作为表现劳动与贫困,工农辛苦的伟大画家,作为荷兰表现主义的第一人来纪念了.
他之成为画家乃是为了解决撕裂他灵魂的内心冲突,是为了对生活中遭受的挫折进 行报复.他出身于一个新教牧师之家,不过,有两个作绘画批发商的叔叔,这使他得以在海牙由他叔叔转让给巴黎古比尔的画廊,作了店 员.不久,画店把他派往伦敦的英国分店工作.在伦敦,他爱上了房主的女儿,并向她求婚.不幸,他遭到拒绝.他那不稳定的,过份神 经质和过份认真的性格使这一挫折分外沉重.他离开伦敦,于1875年回到巴黎总店.很快,他便对以巴黎为中心的思潮和运动着了迷 .他阅读一切能找到的书籍,参观博物馆受到同情卑贱者苦难的那些人道主义作家、画家的影响.
“Vincent van Gogh was born near Brabant, the son of a minister. In 1869, he got a position at the art dealers, Goupil and Co. in The Hague, through his uncle, and worked with them until he was dismissed from the London office in 1873. He worked as a schoolmaster in England (1876), before training for the ministry at Amsterdam University (1877). After he failed to get a post in the Church, he went to live as an independent missionary among the Borinage miners.
“He was largely self-taught as an artist, although he received help from his cousin, Mauve. His first works were heavily painted, mud-colored and clumsy attempts to represent the life of the poor (e.g. Potato-Eaters, 1885, Amsterdam), influenced by one of his artistic heroes, Millet. He moved to Paris in 1886, living with his devoted brother, Theo, who as a dealer introduced him to artists like Gauguin, Pissarro, Seurat and Toulouse-Lautrec. In Paris, he discovered color as well as the divisionist ideas which helped to create the distinctive dashed brushstrokes of his later work (e.g. Pere Tanguy, 1887, Paris). He moved to Arles, in the south of France, in 1888, hoping to establish an artists’ colony there, and was immediately struck by the hot reds and yellows of the Mediterranean, which he increasingly used symbolically to represent his own moods (e.g. Sunflowers, 1
