15种替换good luck的地道英文表达。外国人常说的FINGERS CROSSED是什么意思? - 飞外
发布时间: 2023-07-06

1.Break a leg.

2.Knock them dead.通常在比赛中。

3.Fingers crossed.好运!

4.May the force with you.来源于电影star war,经常是对出远门,长途旅行的人说。

5.Blow them away. 在TV show 等表演中经常听到。

6.Best of luck.=best wishes (我为你翻山越岭却无心看风景是什么意思?急于找到你,来到你的身边,以至于在路途上没看风景的心情!所爱隔山海,山海皆可平。我跟你隔着山山水水,它们都很美,路上遇到的人也很可爱,但是一想到路的那头有你,我就无心停下来赏花观水,那些想跟我交流的人我也不去搭理。)前者多用在口语,后者书面表达。

7.(Wishing you) all the best.=all the best to you.

8.I hope things will turn out fine.=I hope it all goes well.=I hope everything will be all right/work out all right.

9.You are going to be amazing=you were made for this=you’ll do great.

10.God speed.(slang俚语).

11.I’m pretty confident that you’ll do well=hope you do well.

12.Here’s a four leaf clover.(四叶草)。

13.Win big time.

14.Believe in yourself and make it happen.

15.Hang in there, it’s all going to be all right. Hang in there 表示在坚持一下。

